sometimes i speak to myself. there's a system of checks and balances i impose upon myself to be sure i am moving, thinking and speaking in a sane manner. sound a lil crazy? sorry about that (not really). sometimes when i cant speak to me, i write to me. lol and im not even a gemini, but they are 2 distinct people, and when a situation is complex, more i's and me's come into play.
so while being snappy, and neglectful, and wallowing in a bit of sorrow and sadness i had to check myself
The truth is nobody thinks anybody else gets them
what does that tell you?
everybody's going thru shit
you're not as special or individualized as you would have yourself believe. people have it better, people have it the same, people have it way worse.
get over yourself.
people get so hung up on their own lives
they cant see past it
the rest of the world continues to turn every day
you can join grow and learn, or stay trapped in yourself
the choice is yours and mine
im not exempt. just learning.
just me | 3 comments»
Friday, December 12, 2008 at 4:17 PM
sassythings will not launch officially until 09, but there were some things i wanted to share. check it out!
Monday, December 8, 2008 at 3:41 PM
Girl's night out | 4 comments»
i'm on the phone prepping for my mini evening out (i was only going to the event from 7:30 - 9:30). Telling Lola if I was going to find a man to entertain me I was gonna have to step out cause that fool is not gonna just ring my doorbell. So i beat the face, push the girls up, throw on some boots, and pack the kid for auntie's.
Get to harlem, not a damn parking space in sight. t.elle on bbm like i'm excited, get here. Walk 2 1/2 blocks in the blistering cold on a dirty ass harlem street, wind blowing all kinds of crack debris on my freshly beaten face. Get in the spot...the vibe squeezes me. hmm something aint right lol. hmm only 1 penis in the whole place, then he leaves. ok.
make eye contact with t.elle. She's happy to see me. Grab a seat outside of the crowd cause it looks intimate and I'm anti-social like that, I'm here to see her (t.elle that is). Crazy old lady is making crazy eye contact (which she does again later while dancing to her requested song, Tpain's Chopped and Screwed), I think she's going to say something so I give her my attention, she just continues to look at me and thats when it hits me!! ohhhhh it is truly LADIES night. ok. Shoulda sat at home and waited for my doorbell to ring. *le sigh*
at 1:20 PM
One of my biggest philosophies in life is lead by example. And That One is one hell of an example. Barack is human, this country is in disarray; change will not happen or come over night, but it is a huge relief and then some to have a genuine person with some damn common sense leading our country. This campaign transcended our borders literally and figuratively, and I'm so excited and grateful for this nation, our world, my people, and most importantly (to me) my son to be able to follow this example. Possibilities are infinite.
P.S. We need to keep this man in our prayers.
Friday, November 7, 2008 at 12:03 PM
There's a boy. | 2 comments»
Very aloof. What other way is there to be? Never to pressed or impressed, but appreciative of beauty or his idea of it. He acts interested but just doesn't have the mental energy or stimuli to go through with pursuit.
There's a girl, real chill until the prospect of love arises. What other way is there to be? Very picky about who gets her time, her mind, and her behind (so to speak). But when she finds one, she wants it to work. Badly.
Boy sees Girl day 1: Boy offers brief pleasantries to Girl (she reciprocates) but is content to let her walk away. Boy sees Girl day 2: Boy offers brief pleasantries once again. Girl's interest is piqued because she has noticed Boy before and it seems she is now getting her time in the spotlight. That suits her well. Boy is still content to let Girl walk away but Girl figures this is what it will just be. Nothing wrong with being pleasant. Boy sees Girl day 3: boy offers brief pleasantries. Boy sees Girl day 3 part 2: Boy introduces himself and exchanges more than pleasantries but contact info with Girl. Jackpot! Girl thinks. Girl is wrong.
Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 11:18 AM
sass did some dumb shit... | 3 comments»
and it's come back to bite her in the ass. I deserve it, but I'm still sad about it. And part of me didn't see what other options I had. How long am I supposed to wait anyway?!?! I know y'all don't know what I'm talking about, and trust, that's whats best. It's all good anyway. Just another day in the life...
Friday, October 24, 2008 at 2:43 PM
i like this video way better than beyonce's! lmao | 1 comments»
spotted this on Love B. Scott
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 10:23 AM
what the stars say... | 1 comments»
so i haven't heard from him in a few days but i didn't mind that too much because mercury is in retrograde til the 15th [click and read up on it]. But i call this morning/get his voicemail, just to check and see if he's breathing. then suezette sends me my love scope...
Watch your spending this weekend as you can overrate the value of a glittery object or fascinating experience. The same thing goes for people as you may be willing to give a whole lot more than you get. Love should come to you as an equal partner, not as the person who has to make all the sacrifices.
that shit made me sad. i stopped trying to control how i felt a long time ago because it only frustrates me more. trying to fight against a natural current is useless and futile. but what I decided to do was remain aware and smart, and know that with love comes hurt, and there will come a point when you don't want to be hurt anymore regardless of how much you love. I'm waiting for that time. maybe i need a different approach...who knows
my horoscope also says this...
[y]ou can usually gracefully sidestep complex issues when they push your feelings into emotionally intense places, yet today you may be more eager to experience the edge. Acknowledging your own rebellious streak can go a long way toward feeling comfortable as you push the envelope. Remember, it's not about being safe now; it's about taking a risk in order to have a memorable experience.
know this about my sassy ass..i am a cancer. I'm very happy here in my shell sheltered from the worlds foolishness...i don't want to experience no damn edge, and i don't do well when my feelings are pushed into emotionally intense places, but i could use a memorable experience lol
Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 9:51 AM
See Brit, kids do still ride their bikes...tricycles :) | 6 comments»
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 2:32 PM
so....the universe has been after my phone | 4 comments»
for a few weeks now. I've had many close encounters with leaving my phone some place, or thinking I left it some place but it was in my bag all along, and leaving at a friends desk at work and going home for the day. Needless to say I knew the phone was on its way out some way or another (you would think i would back the info up some place or write the numbers down. But i guess that made too much sense). Just didn't expect the universe to snatch it the way it did. As i took a light jog for the train, the train I hate to take, the 1 train. The damn thing slid out of my pocket and right between the train and the platform, onto the tracks. My heart damn near jumped out after it simply because I couldn't believe it. I thought I was having a heart attack, a conniption or something. My body was frizzing out. I didn't realize that phone was everything to me. If I'm not at work, its the only way to reach me. I only know about 4 people's numbers by heart, all of them, for some reason or another right now are useless to me. Lola is 7 months pregnant and in Jersey, Tola is in Florida right now, Babydaddy (i wasn't even sure i knew his number by heart) is well...babydaddy, and the other one is not even worth mentioning. I don't even know my mother's numbers by heart! Devestated. Devastated is what I am.
Friday, October 3, 2008 at 10:16 AM
say what you want! | 1 comments»
so inspired today..usually that means rebel like...
Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 2:27 PM
...Going on in my brain | 6 comments»
So I think I'm cool with being single. A while ago I thought of what I would consider my perfect day, and when my little daydream ended I realized there was no man in my life. So then I tried to go back and see where one might fit , and there wasn't any space. This couldn't possibly be true could it? But I realized what I really want most is a very large comfortable bed in a very cozy comfortable home, with a smart polite and well adjusted child, a fulfilling job and time for myself.
Knowing me though, I know I need the D more than every now and then and I think it would be nice to have companionship on the days I don't want to be alone: a dinner date here and there, good phone convo, gifts (all girls want gifts from guys and the only ones that say gifts don't matter are the ones that get them all the time and the ones that don't at all). And as much as I want loyalty and a man that doesn't feel the need to stick his penis in every and any orifice he can find, I want a man who has his own shit to do. And while he adores me, he's not hung up on me but is also not elusive and evasive. Why must I be so complicated? I'll probably contradict all of this in an upcoming post.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 10:27 AM
Cut through the bushes | 0 comments»
Katherine McPhee Everywhere I Go
I cant go down this road again. It's winding, one side with a sign that says Dead End, the other a cul-de-sac. I'll have to cut thru the rose bushes and know the thorns can only do but so much damage and I will heal. I always do. Don't know why I think I won't. All champions have lost at some point. It's what makes the victory sweet. I'm a sore loser but I'll get over it.
So yeah...that's what I'l do.
Monday, September 22, 2008 at 12:15 PM
beauty randominity | 3 comments»
sass is considering weekend jobs because lets face it...the 9-5 check just isn't enough. so i hopped on over to sephora (which i've been avoiding like homeless people on the train platform) to get an application. not sure if i'll apply, but i need to look at it and see if i'm so inclined to do so.. anyway the first display when you enter is the Harajuku Lovers perfume..the figurines are soo cute that i would love to get one just to have the bottle on my dresser (to keep my Fafinette company)..these 2 are my favorite my favorite
so anyway i picked up one of those sample tester sticks that was laying around on the display and smelled it (rather than spraying more into the air) and the scent i found on the strip was none of the harajuku perfumes. i ended up having to ask one of the sales people which perfume it was. You know sephora has a ton of fragrances so at first they looked at me like I was crazy but one of the ladies was able to direct me to the bottle of deliciousness that is Escada Moon Sparkle.
Upon first sniff, it is very sweet but then it simmers down to a nice musk (sandalwood) with fruity notes. They say its a summertime fragrance that can be worn any time of year and also describe the specifics of the fragrance here. I need it! So, it will go on the list with Miss Dior Cherie and some other ish I wanted. Also I'm all out of Coco Chanel Mademoiselle. Maybe I do need this job at Sephora to support my beauty products habit.
I also looked at some Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer but I didn't try any out on my face because i already tried some Makeup Forever HD Invisible Cover Foundation in #178 I believe. Love it!! It blended so beautifully and evenly AND easily and I didn't need much.*sigh* I'll be making the $40 investment sooner or later.
I need some money!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 4:41 PM
I met a guy | 2 comments»
a few weeks ago. I was walking to the train station and he was crossing the street diagonally towards me. I glanced at him only because he was coming my way, but kept it moving. He was giving me the eyeball the whole time he was crossing the street but I wasn't feeling my hottest and generally don't make it a habit to talk to people in the street so i didn't return his gaze. I slow my pace so that he is now walking in front of me. And as I'm walking behind him I admire his "b boy" swag. Baggy but not too baggy jeans, white t and foam posits (my favorite sneaker for guys), blackberry curve in hand. I regret for a minute not giving him the greenlight but feel I have another chance as he is headed down into the train station also.
When I get into the station he is standing on line at the token booth and our eyes meet again, and this time I let my gaze linger (the greenlight). I remove one of the buds from my ear. "How are you doing he asks?" I answer; then he asks if I have a minute. I wait for him to buy his metrocard (he was like 4th in line), and I'm thinking to myself, damn, this better be good, I'm standing around waiting on a nigga?? But I'm also telling myself I have to be open minded seeing that I'm always complaining about not meeting men.
When we finally do make it through the turnstyle I don't have much time so I cut to it. Ask him his name and we exchange numbers. We introduce ourselves, and discover our work places are practically neighbors. He is giving me the nasty eye usually reserved for dirty old men in my he might as well be licking his lips and rubbing his hands together..I swear I could see his fangs..not cool. But some people just don't know better. First thing he asks me about are my piercings and how many I have as he unapologetically grazes the entire surface of my body with his eyes...first flag goes up..I see where his mind is; he thinks I'm a freak. Then he asks where I live and if I live alone, and theres the 2nd flag (it normally wouldn't have because these are the types of questions u have to ask beforehand) then he proceeds to tell me how sexy I am and that he really likes my piercing and that he's aggressive and he hopes I can handle him.
Now I'm officially regretting giving him my number and want to snatch his phone and run for the hills. I tell him I really have to go now and reach to shake his hand. This motherfather while holding my hand circles his finger on my palm (you know, the 5th grade shit!). Now I'm mad at myself..I know better than talking to a dude on the street, and now this retard has my number.
I ran into him again the day before yesterday too.
I caught his eye, and as I was walking by him, I was thinking damn homeboy is kind of cute but he looks familiar, I wonder if its that dude. He had a hat on so I couldn’t tell. Anyway I get to the corner and I’m waiting for the light to change when he walks up next to me. Stands, and looks in my face. Tells me I should smile and not look so serious and I ask him why. Even longer story short, he says I look familiar but he didn’t recognize me and he forgot my name. He basically tried to re-bag me (turn off) before I told him we had met already. Then he goes thru the whole spiel about my piercings again…blah blah blah., says he’ll call, I pray he doesn’t.
There are so many other little things that went on in this conversation (like the fact that he told me he never really messed with a thick girl but he heard that they got it and gave my body another once over) that just really depleted my confidence in men to the point where I was sad when I walked away from him only because I’ve been exploring the philosophy that you attract back what you put out in the world. Could it be?
Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 2:04 PM
a sassy thing to say | 0 comments»
"...they say you’re getting too big for your britches ’cause you went to America. Nope! I been this big in my britches, since I was a kid."
at 1:45 PM
super fucking excited | 1 comments»
i just got ne-yo's new album Year of the Gentleman. This is like the most anticipated album for me, I love the way he writes and I can' t wait to listen. maybe i'll do a reveiew or something, but I'm kind of biased and he could barely any wrong in my eyes (except on the style front) so we'll see.
at 4:15 PM
i love a.l.t. for this | 1 comments»
and if the bottom of that bag says diane von furstenberg, i love her too. i need a few of her wrap dresses in my wardrobe also!
p.s. i had a post for fashion rocks which i was supposed to post below, but i flaked out. it aired last night, and clips are all over the entertainment blogs, so i'll save my 2 cents 2 penny candies.
at 10:02 AM
lol...t.m.i | 3 comments»
i am laughing so hard right now because i feel like my body tries real hard to get me pregnant.. why i think this is funny, i don't know. i just noticed a few days ago, i was extremely needy...some people say horny. i don't. and i had to go ahead and make that call. well, send that text. but the need, the need was real! like i've never felt that way before. i don't even know how to describe it. so i got that taken care of, and then a day or so later when my body realized there was no fertilizing of eggs going on, she decided to release them. but as soon as this is over i may have to send another text cause uhhhh...ok ok im sorry , i know t.m.i.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 2:03 PM
i'm cool | 4 comments»
i've been searching for this song on t he internet for a few weeks now, driving myself crazy and i found it this morning on the rnbmusicblog. in the mornings i listen to steve harvey and his show was the first place i heard it. i LOVE anthony hamilton's does things to me. i loved seeing him on the bet awards along with maxwell (more on what he does to me later) and was definitely looking forward to new music from him. when this song was first played on the radio it featured a rap by some unknown (i think signed to anthony's label) and he ruined the song for me, i mean just ruined it. even steve harvey would cut the song off early when the rap came on. the song still features a rap, but its david banner now (one of my favorite rappers as a person) and is tolerable. i would still prefer the song with no rap at all though.
click the pic to hear the song.
Friday, August 22, 2008 at 10:45 AM
Did you realize, that you are a champion?!?! | 3 comments»
Ok so the Olympic buzz is high these days. I've caught a few different Olympic events in passing, but truth be told, if it doesn't come on Noggin, shows just don't get much burn in my house. However, while chillin at my aunts house yesterday (this broad stays up til 5 am watching the Olympics), I laid eyes on this fella right here.His name is David Oliver, and this picture does not justify just how handsome his face actually is, but it does give you an idea of the complete package. The man's body is unbelievable (i believe i heard he has a football background) and his face is beautiful! He is 26 (perfect for me) and a 110m hurdler for the US Olympic team. He is also a Howard University alum and hurdling is in his genes as his mom Brenda Chambers was a world class hurdler, and also competed in Bejing in 1980 (thats dope!).
I plan on leaving a comment on his blog so I won't go into what exactly I like, and how i like it lol but I just wanted to bring some attention to this matter. Thank you.
P.S. i'm about to add his picture to my vision board (i'm on my The Secret ish).
Below is a pic of David (far right) and friend and fellow Howard alum Lance Gross (middle). Birds of a feather...pic stolen from David's blog
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 9:12 AM
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 1:00 PM
Wray of light | 3 comments»
I spent some time with someone yesterday who always makes me feel like no matter what i do, i can't keep his attention. its more of a general thing than any particular instances, but that feeling made me want to listen to this song.
then i remembered how much i loved this chick in high school...and how i've been waiting on her return ever since.. thought i had one here...
if i was your girlfriend
but not so much. so im reduced to old and fan made youtube videos. supposedly she's in atlanta working on new music. i can only hope so. there is some stuff i hadn't heard on her myspace page
Stand Up -Produced by Dame Grease
back to the oldies
i'm lookin
"So you can go head wit' all that 'stabbin' me'
Cuz I will jab thee, and slam thee
And Bobby Bouchet yo' ass, G
lmao i love big boi!
All In My Grill
at 11:48 AM
super shallow this week | 5 comments»
what would really make me happy for the moment besides a mani and pedi, some crab legs, a babysitter, a smart and sexy man only checking for me, a winning mega millions ticket, and an all expense paid luxury vacation to the dominican repulic, cabo or vieques, and the mac store
would be:
Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 9:46 PM
life is just too damn hard right now... | 1 comments»
I honestly just want to go back to my old life.I want to eat out as I please.Buy magazines with reckless abandon.Have cd’s sent to me.Party Monday – Thursday.Chill on the weekends.Walk thru soho with no scheduled destination.Have few bills.Keep my nails done and my wig tight.Blow checks on shoes and in daffy’s and the gap and sephora (back then. I could sure think of some better places now).Giggle on the phone.Feel like I have all the time in the world....
is that too much for a girl to ask??
i shouldn't complain...i can still do all these just doesnt feel like it this week. *sigh*
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 at 3:49 PM
am i the only one that didn't know?? | 5 comments»
Apparently the love of my life
is dating "I Kissed a Girl" Katy Perryhow did i miss that??
...and come august 4th @ 7:30 you can find sass in bk checking out my most favoritest at a free concert at wingate field...yall know i stan for miss badu..soo damn excited!
Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 3:59 PM
pure comedy | 3 comments»
wendy williams and michelle williams from destiny's child.
Friday, July 25, 2008 at 4:07 PM
sass is still raving about jazmine sullivan!! ..check me out!
Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 2:50 PM
truly.madly.deeply | 4 comments»
i turned 25 on monday.
..ordered some mac brushes from nordstrom as a birthday present from mi madre
went to see wendy williams with the bestie...
....found out she is pregnant with a boy. my first godchild/nephew
was hoping it was a girl, but soo not disappointed its a boy.....
......that love is amazing. i can't wait for her to experience that.
the hunt for thee stroller is on.......
........usually you don't feel a change with each birthday. but i feel it with this one
its an internal change.........
...........its a conscious change. absolutely intentional *cue dreamgirls, im changing*
its time for me to be who i want to be
im ready for a new tattoo and because of where i am mentally at the moment and where i want to be and remain i will go back to something i've wanted for a long time. when i was little i was sort of fixated with stars because it is so hard to draw one freehand. so when i would doodle it was always me trying to perfect a star. when i was 16 or 17 i was researching the 6 pointed star and its definition and symbolization has stood out to me ever since. i couldn't find the one i read then, but i understood it to essentially mean bringing down the things we hold in our higher level of consciousness and bringing up the things we hold in our lower level of consciousness thus causing the two to meet in the middle, creating balance. and it applied and appealed to me then, but its even more so prevalent and relevant now.
..not sure if i explained that so well so i found some other explanations that correspond..
Finding the dynamic balance between the inner and the outer seems to be one of the great tasks of our lives. And when the balance is found, the star is also perfect.
The heart chakra is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It symbolizes the two polarities of body and spirit as interpenetrating in perfect balance. The upward pointing triangle symbolizes matter rising into spirit. The downward triangle (similar to the ancient female symbol for birth) represents spirit descending into manifestation. To fully open the heart chakra we need to bring into balance the various aspects of our existence, such as male and female, light and shadow, mind and body, practicality and spirituality.
The Three Higher Planes--Atma (Infinity), Buddhi (Light) and Manas (Higher Intelligence) constitute the Higher Self. The Higher Self is represented by the triangle pointing upwards. Interestingly enough, everyone and everything in the Universe has the same three principles in their seven-principled bodies and this constitutes the principle of Universal Brotherhood. The triangle pointing downwards is representative of the lower self, the three principles of sensient life--the "breath of life" (which is a reflection of the Highest Principle), the Astral Body and the physical Body. When we come into existence, these two triangles are separated, the higher above the lower. In between is a single point of consciousness which represets the soul. The soul is the vehicle of our desires. If we desire the things of the lower principles, the fire of out soul is directed downward and, if our lower desires are strong enough, goes out. However, if we direct the fire upwards into our Higher Self, we receive the higher energies necessary to RAISE OUR LOWER SELF into harmony with our Higher Self. Thus the lower and Higher self become locked together in place in perfect Union by the principle of the soul. Thus we attain full consciousness awareness on ALL PLANES of the universe and he have, in effect, spiritualized our lower self, to the point where it has raised its energies into Union with the Higher.
that is all.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 11:22 AM
borderline irate
| 2
jazmine sullivan is singing live on the 20th floor. i'm sitting here 3 floors beneath mad as hell
..ok scratch all that. i was about to go into a rant about how i wasn't gonna be able to go upstairs and see her, but i finally made it upstairs and caught the last 2 songs and i'm beyond pleased! Her voice is amazing. I have more to say but I don't feel like going thru all of it again, but i'll post my convo with my friend sean if you wanna know what i think.. all we talk is music..most of the time and his nephew (my babydaddy) lol
and if you've been living under a rock don't know who jazmine is, i put up a small bio i found online
Contemporary R&B rising star Jazmine Sullivan spent several years learning the ropes of the recording industry before signing to J Records and making her solo recording debut in 2008 with "Need U Bad." The Philadelphia-based singer/songwriter began her career at a young age, making her national television debut on Showtime at the Apollo at age 11 and signing to Jive Records at age 15. Her stint at Jive Records only lasted a couple years, however, and she was dropped by the label before any recordings were released. In the wake of this disappointment, she began working behind the scenes, for instance working with Missy Elliott on productions for Fantasia's debut album, Free Yourself (2004), and writing a couple songs for Christina Milian's third album, So Amazin' (2006), including the hit single "Say I." Sullivan was then offered a solo recording contract with J Records, which released her debut single, "Need U Bad," featuring and co-produced by Missy Elliott, in 2008. Her full-length album debut, featuring productions by Salaam Remi and Stargate, among others, followed later in the year. ~ Jason Birchmeier, All Music Guide
And on to Sass' unofficial review
Me (12:08:47 PM): and im mad i cant even go cause i have to wait for my boss' lunch
Me (12:08:51 PM): i hate being a fucking assistant!
Him (12:10:22 PM): i hear u
Him (12:10:32 PM): finish
Him (12:10:53 PM): i need a date on her album
Me (12:11:25 PM): i know, the better strike while the iron is hot
Him (12:13:07 PM): u playing
Me (12:17:34 PM): ok now im going
Me (12:17:34 PM): brb
Him (12:17:46 PM): enjoy
Me (12:45:12 PM): she's great
Him (12:45:28 PM): how many songs did she do
Him (12:45:33 PM): is she still fat
Me (12:45:44 PM): no she has slimmed down alot
Him (12:45:47 PM): wow
Him (12:46:03 PM): how many songs she sang
Me (12:46:04 PM): i dont know how many she did in total
Me (12:46:05 PM): i caught 2
Him (12:46:07 PM): o ok
Him (12:46:09 PM): wow
Me (12:46:15 PM): need u bad and in love with another man
Me (12:46:23 PM): fucking amazing.
Him (12:46:26 PM): howwas the in love song
Him (12:46:28 PM): oh
Me (12:46:35 PM): she's great live
Me (12:46:38 PM): her voice is super clear
Him (12:46:42 PM): so soulful
Me (12:46:43 PM): and she has stage presence
Me (12:46:50 PM): so soulful and raspy
Me (12:46:54 PM): she controls it beautifully
Him (12:47:14 PM): shit she would want to have presence shes been doing this shit since forever
Him (12:47:27 PM): she was 15 when she originally got signed
Me (12:47:28 PM): it was small, like literally in a corner of a hallway outside of peoples offices
Him (12:47:33 PM): wow
Me (12:47:42 PM): but she was moving and dancing and engaging the audience
Him (12:47:43 PM): i need that album
Me (12:47:48 PM): for sure!
Me (12:47:56 PM): i dont even think it has an official date cause all she would say was sept
Me (12:48:01 PM): they were taping something for vh1soul
Him (12:48:07 PM): nice
Him (12:48:18 PM): she puts u in the mind of lauryn
Me (12:48:19 PM): that just made my day
Him (12:48:22 PM): i bet
Me (12:48:37 PM): she does, but theres something different
Me (12:48:40 PM): its gonna set her apart
Him (12:49:07 PM): yea she doesnt rap
Me (12:49:21 PM): lol no i think its the personality and the clarity
Me (12:49:22 PM): lol
Him (12:49:48 PM): but that soulful raspiness is what puts u in the mind of lauryn and that may benefit her
Him (12:50:01 PM): people mis lauryn and want to hear her or someone like her
Him (12:50:17 PM): i think she'sgonna blow
Him (12:50:23 PM): plus she'son J
Him (12:50:41 PM): all she needs is an alicia remix or duet
Me (12:50:42 PM): definitely!
Me (12:50:59 PM): i dont want her on anything with alicia
Me (12:51:04 PM): they need to lether do her own thing
Me (12:51:10 PM): alicia can play the keyboards or something
Him (12:52:02 PM): me either shes a much better singer
Him (12:52:10 PM): but the powers that be will do it
Him (12:52:18 PM): to associate her with someone
Him (12:52:36 PM): shes been around this long with no deal and n hit record
Him (12:52:48 PM): shes not going anywhere anytime soon
Him (12:52:59 PM): im glad shes getting her recognition
Him (12:53:02 PM): finally
Me (12:54:39 PM): i think the first song out produced by missy and got such a buzz should do enough
Me (12:54:45 PM): they need to let her stay in her own damn lane
Me (12:54:51 PM): i hate when they do dumb shit with great artists
Him (12:55:52 PM): i'm glad missy dont have a bunch of songs on her either
Him (12:56:06 PM): bcuz her sound doesnt always work for everybody
Him (12:56:23 PM): even though i think Monica wouldve killed i need u bad too
Me (12:59:42 PM): yea she would have def held her own
Me (12:59:50 PM): wouldnt have been as soulful and hearty though
Me (12:59:55 PM): but it would have sounded great
Him (12:59:59 PM): monica is soulful
Me (1:00:02 PM): and i could hear missy saying new monica over it
Him (1:00:12 PM): i just think jazz's voice is a little deeper
Him (1:00:42 PM): smokiness gives her a fuller soulful sound
Me (1:01:04 PM): precisely
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 1:32 PM
1 time for the big girls!!! | 2 comments»
Tocarra Jones of America's Next Top Model fame has proven that not only is big (larger than sample size according the fashion industry) beautiful, but it can also be high fashion. Lots of girls, including myself needed to see a figure like Tocarra's in a magazine that holds as much weight as Vogue, even if it is Vogue Italia. Lets hope America will catch up soon. Comments and judgments have been made speaking to the sexual undertones or even overtones of the spreads in the All Black issue of Vogue Italia, but I don't think all of the spreads are sexual and as also stated, nudity is not as big of a deal in Europe as it is in America. I think the spread is absolutely gorgeous and tasteful. Yes, some of the images look like the could be found between the sheets of King magazine, but they're not, they'll be in Vogue Italia. So big up to Toccara! Has an ANTM model ever been featured in such a high profile fashion magazine? And among the ranks of Naomi Campbell??
I got the pics from clutch
Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 12:43 PM
i like... | 2 comments»
a strong man in every sense of the word. I want my man to truly be a man, to take care of his own, home, and take the garbage out lol. I want him to have a strong sense of love, respect, family and loyalty. Its also important he have a strong sense of self. And a man I can break down and say whatever I want to…not a good look. I need a man that demands respect as much as I do.
Honestly, there were a lot of players I didn’t list in my “roster” a few posts back, but what I learned from one, we’ll call him The Infant, is that, I don’t want to raise you. I have a 3 year old to raise, I don’t have time to do what your mama should have done already. When I say I want a G.A.M., I mean I need you to know who you are already, there’s a certain way I need you to carry yourself, and carry on conversations. I need your mentality to be that of a man who has lived and through an intelligent process of elimination has decided who he will be and how he will live his life. And definitely if getting the latest pair of Jordans is at the top of your "to do" list, you need not apply here. I want a man that is able to expose me and teach me things, not always vice versa. Or let’s learn together. Homeboy is not expected to know everything, but sweetie, the fundamentals need to be learned, absorbed, and executed.
I don’t want a man to love me and deal with my shit because he’s insecure or afraid no one else will come along, because he's just complacent and comfortable, or thinks that maybe I’m a good look for him or some other bullshit ass reason other than the one that truly matters and counts the most, . I need my man to be a rock, as I will be his, but he needs to be able to head a household if necessary. I need to be able to trust that I can follow his lead and he should be able to do the same.
end rant.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 11:31 AM
i can tell they're lookin at us | 2 comments»
i was 12 or 13 when this song came out, and even then i knew i wanted a dude to be all about me and love me the way d'angelo appeared to love the girl in the video. i think i had that same haircut around that time too. i love this video and song...they dont make 'em like this anymore.
i can't wait to hear his new stuff.
Thursday, June 26, 2008 at 7:05 PM
The ignorant side | 1 comments»
not big on tyson himself, but a similar dude might could get it. love those tattoos! and the dorito is nice too!
*dorito is that lovely v that the happy trail travels along to take you to the promise land.
Now on to the ignorance...
at 10:42 AM
what is a girl to do? | 2 comments»
i have a habit of crushing and crushing hard. i've broken that habit in the past few years by either actually baggin my crush and/or figuring out they weren't what they were cracked up to be in the first place.
in a post i made a while ago, i discussed my train love and how he told me i was beautiful one day. well this man and i have continued to flirt since that day and now its starting to irritate me because he infiltrates my brain space on the regular and our little 7 second interactions 3 days a week is not helping. im becoming borderline obsessed with this situation because i want to get to know him so either i can move forward or fall back depending on whether or not he is what i hope and think he is. he's already in trouble because my expectations are high. or maybe i'm the one in trouble. : /
damn near everyone i know suggested that i just slide him my number one day. but sliding an unsolicited number to any man is just not my style. my fear of rejection or "funny" reaction is insurmountable. AND i don't have business cards, so do you all suggest i tear a sheet of looseleaf paper from my trapper keeper and lick the edges so the paper is easier to tear? i thought so.
others have suggested that i stick around and make conversation with him, or ask him his name. sometimes this is hard because, i dont buy metrocards anymore (he's the clerk) and so he presses the button for me to go thru the "special entry" turnstyle, or people are lined up behind me. i always end up feeling rushed.
the thing about it is, this dude flirts hard, like really hard. he blows me kisses blatantly eyeballs me, stares in my eyes, and i cant even explain the way he looks at me (i always end up feeling exposed somehow), and like i said i ride the train for free any morning he is in the station, even when others are in the booth with him. he refuses to take my money. and i feel like i've given the greenlight, but he won't move any further. my immediate assumption is that he has some sort of significant other and will not pursue me himself, but if i pursued him, he would let it go down.
i happened to be in that area on a sunday (father's day, and he is a dad) and saw him really early in the morning. i saw him when i was coming back later that afternoon and he let me know that he was getting off at 3. i really wanted to come back around 3, but i was running like crazy that day. so when i saw him again a yesterday or the day before i told him i started to come back to see him at 3. he asked what happened and i told him i had to get back to work (i worked the Tony Awards, GREAT SHOW!) and he said he would definitely take a rain check, but that was it. so now ive been advised just to fall back and wait to see what happens, which is what i've done. i wouldn't call myself old-fashioned, but i do like for a man to pursue me, and sometimes i feel like since he hasn't he doesn't want to, which i've also been told is not necessarily the case. this is all too damn difficult for me. it shouldn't be this hard. do i leave this alone and maybe begin taking the 1 train instead? he is driving me fucking crazy with his handsome self!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008 at 3:15 PM