There's a boy.

Very aloof. What other way is there to be? Never to pressed or impressed, but appreciative of beauty or his idea of it. He acts interested but just doesn't have the mental energy or stimuli to go through with pursuit.
There's a girl, real chill until the prospect of love arises. What other way is there to be? Very picky about who gets her time, her mind, and her behind (so to speak). But when she finds one, she wants it to work. Badly.
Boy sees Girl day 1: Boy offers brief pleasantries to Girl (she reciprocates) but is content to let her walk away. Boy sees Girl day 2: Boy offers brief pleasantries once again. Girl's interest is piqued because she has noticed Boy before and it seems she is now getting her time in the spotlight. That suits her well. Boy is still content to let Girl walk away but Girl figures this is what it will just be. Nothing wrong with being pleasant. Boy sees Girl day 3: boy offers brief pleasantries. Boy sees Girl day 3 part 2: Boy introduces himself and exchanges more than pleasantries but contact info with Girl. Jackpot! Girl thinks. Girl is wrong.

sass did some dumb shit...

and it's come back to bite her in the ass. I deserve it, but I'm still sad about it. And part of me didn't see what other options I had. How long am I supposed to wait anyway?!?! I know y'all don't know what I'm talking about, and trust, that's whats best. It's all good anyway. Just another day in the life...

i like this video way better than beyonce's! lmao

spotted this on Love B. Scott

i ain't never scared...

i'll have one of each...please and thank you!

what the stars say...

so i haven't heard from him in a few days but i didn't mind that too much because mercury is in retrograde til the 15th [click and read up on it]. But i call this morning/get his voicemail, just to check and see if he's breathing. then suezette sends me my love scope...

Watch your spending this weekend as you can overrate the value of a glittery object or fascinating experience. The same thing goes for people as you may be willing to give a whole lot more than you get. Love should come to you as an equal partner, not as the person who has to make all the sacrifices.

that shit made me sad. i stopped trying to control how i felt a long time ago because it only frustrates me more. trying to fight against a natural current is useless and futile. but what I decided to do was remain aware and smart, and know that with love comes hurt, and there will come a point when you don't want to be hurt anymore regardless of how much you love. I'm waiting for that time. maybe i need a different approach...who knows

my horoscope also says this...
[y]ou can usually gracefully sidestep complex issues when they push your feelings into emotionally intense places, yet today you may be more eager to experience the edge. Acknowledging your own rebellious streak can go a long way toward feeling comfortable as you push the envelope. Remember, it's not about being safe now; it's about taking a risk in order to have a memorable experience.

know this about my sassy ass..i am a cancer. I'm very happy here in my shell sheltered from the worlds foolishness...i don't want to experience no damn edge, and i don't do well when my feelings are pushed into emotionally intense places, but i could use a memorable experience lol

See Brit, kids do still ride their bikes...tricycles :)

ignore the dates..these were taken this summer
and simply because i adore my 3 year old...

sass is talking ish on the bg guide...check me out!

so....the universe has been after my phone

for a few weeks now. I've had many close encounters with leaving my phone some place, or thinking I left it some place but it was in my bag all along, and leaving at a friends desk at work and going home for the day. Needless to say I knew the phone was on its way out some way or another (you would think i would back the info up some place or write the numbers down. But i guess that made too much sense). Just didn't expect the universe to snatch it the way it did. As i took a light jog for the train, the train I hate to take, the 1 train. The damn thing slid out of my pocket and right between the train and the platform, onto the tracks. My heart damn near jumped out after it simply because I couldn't believe it. I thought I was having a heart attack, a conniption or something. My body was frizzing out. I didn't realize that phone was everything to me. If I'm not at work, its the only way to reach me. I only know about 4 people's numbers by heart, all of them, for some reason or another right now are useless to me. Lola is 7 months pregnant and in Jersey, Tola is in Florida right now, Babydaddy (i wasn't even sure i knew his number by heart) is well...babydaddy, and the other one is not even worth mentioning. I don't even know my mother's numbers by heart! Devestated. Devastated is what I am.