what is a girl to do?

i have a habit of crushing and crushing hard. i've broken that habit in the past few years by either actually baggin my crush and/or figuring out they weren't what they were cracked up to be in the first place.
in a post i made a while ago, i discussed my train love and how he told me i was beautiful one day. well this man and i have continued to flirt since that day and now its starting to irritate me because he infiltrates my brain space on the regular and our little 7 second interactions 3 days a week is not helping. im becoming borderline obsessed with this situation because i want to get to know him so either i can move forward or fall back depending on whether or not he is what i hope and think he is. he's already in trouble because my expectations are high. or maybe i'm the one in trouble. : /
damn near everyone i know suggested that i just slide him my number one day. but sliding an unsolicited number to any man is just not my style. my fear of rejection or "funny" reaction is insurmountable. AND i don't have business cards, so do you all suggest i tear a sheet of looseleaf paper from my trapper keeper and lick the edges so the paper is easier to tear? i thought so.
others have suggested that i stick around and make conversation with him, or ask him his name. sometimes this is hard because, i dont buy metrocards anymore (he's the clerk) and so he presses the button for me to go thru the "special entry" turnstyle, or people are lined up behind me. i always end up feeling rushed.
the thing about it is, this dude flirts hard, like really hard. he blows me kisses blatantly eyeballs me, stares in my eyes, and i cant even explain the way he looks at me (i always end up feeling exposed somehow), and like i said i ride the train for free any morning he is in the station, even when others are in the booth with him. he refuses to take my money. and i feel like i've given the greenlight, but he won't move any further. my immediate assumption is that he has some sort of significant other and will not pursue me himself, but if i pursued him, he would let it go down.
i happened to be in that area on a sunday (father's day, and he is a dad) and saw him really early in the morning. i saw him when i was coming back later that afternoon and he let me know that he was getting off at 3. i really wanted to come back around 3, but i was running like crazy that day. so when i saw him again a yesterday or the day before i told him i started to come back to see him at 3. he asked what happened and i told him i had to get back to work (i worked the Tony Awards, GREAT SHOW!) and he said he would definitely take a rain check, but that was it. so now ive been advised just to fall back and wait to see what happens, which is what i've done. i wouldn't call myself old-fashioned, but i do like for a man to pursue me, and sometimes i feel like since he hasn't he doesn't want to, which i've also been told is not necessarily the case. this is all too damn difficult for me. it shouldn't be this hard. do i leave this alone and maybe begin taking the 1 train instead? he is driving me fucking crazy with his handsome self!!!

2 Responses to "what is a girl to do?" (Leave A Comment)

Kim says
June 21, 2008 at 9:54 PM

Girl! I feel you on this situation! I really don't pursue guys either and I've been told how many great opportunities I might have missed out on. I say go for it. Not all dudes are outgoing.


kit von b. says
June 23, 2008 at 3:17 PM

its summer time! the perfect time to be crushing hard!