i've got that feeling

that anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. the nervousness you feel the night before a big day. well tomorrow is certainly a big day. its crazy that this case is not "in the bag" so to speak. police have gotten away more than a few times with killing innocent men in a barage a bullets. this one on a queen's street i walked on to get to the train station to go to work. i pray for justice for sean bell and his family especially his grieving widow (who has been the face of this case) and his children. i pray for justice for all the black men who have lost their lives at the hands of those hired to protect those very lives, and i pray for justice for all black men who walk these streets from various walks of life and are subjected to corrupt and polluted minds who happen to have a badge and gun .

4 Responses to "i've got that feeling" (Leave A Comment)

Sherece says
April 25, 2008 at 1:40 AM

Hummmm... I'm pretty interested to see what the verdict will be also... and how the public will respond.

B says
April 25, 2008 at 9:24 AM

They were found NOT guilty on ALL counts....what in the helllllll?

Justice NOT for all.

kit von b. says
April 27, 2008 at 11:43 PM

im making a post abt that as we speak.

there is no justice.
there will NEVER be peace.


James Tubman says
April 30, 2008 at 5:25 PM

i like the eye for an eye philosophy

now a days you can find out where anybody lives if you bribe the right people

those guys are lucky that he wasn't related to me

now they have to watch their back wherever they go