Wray of light

I spent some time with someone yesterday who always makes me feel like no matter what i do, i can't keep his attention. its more of a general thing than any particular instances, but that feeling made me want to listen to this song.

then i remembered how much i loved this chick in high school...and how i've been waiting on her return ever since.. thought i had one here...
if i was your girlfriend

but not so much. so im reduced to old and fan made youtube videos. supposedly she's in atlanta working on new music. i can only hope so. there is some stuff i hadn't heard on her myspace page
Stand Up -Produced by Dame Grease

back to the oldies

i'm lookin

"So you can go head wit' all that 'stabbin' me'
Cuz I will jab thee, and slam thee
And Bobby Bouchet yo' ass, G
lmao i love big boi!
All In My Grill

3 Responses to "Wray of light" (Leave A Comment)

B says
August 17, 2008 at 11:49 AM

Not "All in my Grill"....dang, I feel like 6th grade again!!

Unknown says
August 29, 2008 at 9:09 PM

I'm with you on this. I love me some Nicole Wray. And, If I Was Your Girlfriend stays in constant rotation over in these parts.

Anonymous says
January 8, 2010 at 3:13 AM

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!