The Players

THE VETERAN - the one i feel the most comfortable with, the one that does unspeakable things to hearts. make you wonder how you're still standing. The one I know, the one that knows me, the one that just does not work no matter what, but feels like its supposed to at times. Most familiar with all things. But like a war vet, has been thru some things that he cannot seem to get passed even while no longer on the battlefield. Its too bad smh....makes beautiful babies though .

MR. UNTOUCHABLE - like stolen goods, he belongs to someone else, can't touch 'em. He's not mine. So of course, he says all the right things, all the right things. He's been around longer than all the others, but can't seem to get his ish together either. He's also known as the Candyman, damn it's sweet. BUT I can't be what he needs of me, because I won't play second voluntarily. And he won't be what I need of him, because he already has priorities at home.
In a perfect world, we would be together. It seems we compliment each other well, understand where the other is coming from, and are pretty like minded. We just may be friends forever though. That's cool too.

THE NON PROMISE MAKER - wasn't even going to touch on this one, but why not be thorough. This one makes no promises cause he won't come thru on sh!t!!!! Actually no, he gets no shine here. NEXT!

PEST - the one that on sight of a single IM or text sends me into a fit of rage. LEAVE ME ALONE, DAMN!!! I thought I liked you at one point (I don't know what the hell I was thinking). Thank goodness, I realized I didn't, but he's still on it. We were never "together", there may have been a kiss shared, but I'll never admit to that. I never even opened up, and when that doesn't happen naturally for me, theres always a reason. Sooner or later that person reveals themselves as not worthy. This time was no different. There's actually more than one like this. It just may be that time to switch screen names...i haven't done that in a while hmmm. No hard feelings...just please go away.

SIMPLY NOT THE ONE - so sweet, so polite, so damn respectful. Cool enough, rude enough (yes I like them rude), just simply not for me. You can't force pieces from 2 different puzzles together, either pieces fit, or they dont. We don't. I think he sees that, but pretends that he doesn't. I definitely do, and have already turned the light out in that room. Stop calling me. We can be cool when we see each email here and there....a random text... but please, stop calling me.

10 Responses to "The Players" (Leave A Comment)

April 16, 2008 at 2:30 PM

BWAHAHAHAH... ure tryna get me fired... i got them all but one... i didnt even think that the "one" that i wasnt sure of qualified to be on the team...

blue m & M

Sass says
April 16, 2008 at 2:34 PM

what are u talking about???? this is fiction writing!! >>darts eyes left to right<<

April 16, 2008 at 2:36 PM


oh yeah...


i forgot

Eb the Celeb says
April 17, 2008 at 3:41 PM

Dang... i was gon comment than I saw that this was fiction... I had a good one too~

Sass says
April 17, 2008 at 4:32 PM

lol go ahead and comment

Eb the Celeb says
April 17, 2008 at 5:22 PM

I was just going to say can I have one of them please... I'll even take the non promise maker if he can lay the pipe!

Sass says
April 18, 2008 at 12:54 PM

lmao @ eb... so here's the rundown..*hypothetically speaking of course*
if we were to "puff, puff, pass" the pipe, i could only recommend the veteran and untouchable. pest and not the one, no plumbing work was done. and the one u named specifically, the non promise maker, well lets just say that pipe wasn't lead. *womp* *womp*

Afrodite says
April 18, 2008 at 5:34 PM

Yeah, I've encountered each and every one of these. Some of them are even overlapping.

Sherece says
April 20, 2008 at 10:57 PM

Haaaaaa... these comments are pretty amusing!

kit von b. says
April 22, 2008 at 10:38 AM

i have my list...*sigh*

but who doesnt? i kinda wish this wasnt fiction.