i've been searching for this song on t he internet for a few weeks now, driving myself crazy and i found it this morning on the rnbmusicblog. in the mornings i listen to steve harvey and his show was the first place i heard it. i LOVE anthony hamilton's voice..it does things to me. i loved seeing him on the bet awards along with maxwell (more on what he does to me later) and was definitely looking forward to new music from him. when this song was first played on the radio it featured a rap by some unknown (i think signed to anthony's label) and he ruined the song for me, i mean just ruined it. even steve harvey would cut the song off early when the rap came on. the song still features a rap, but its david banner now (one of my favorite rappers as a person) and is tolerable. i would still prefer the song with no rap at all though.
click the pic to hear the song.
i'm cool | 4 comments»
Friday, August 22, 2008 at 10:45 AM
Did you realize, that you are a champion?!?! | 3 comments»
Ok so the Olympic buzz is high these days. I've caught a few different Olympic events in passing, but truth be told, if it doesn't come on Noggin, shows just don't get much burn in my house. However, while chillin at my aunts house yesterday (this broad stays up til 5 am watching the Olympics), I laid eyes on this fella right here.His name is David Oliver, and this picture does not justify just how handsome his face actually is, but it does give you an idea of the complete package. The man's body is unbelievable (i believe i heard he has a football background) and his face is beautiful! He is 26 (perfect for me) and a 110m hurdler for the US Olympic team. He is also a Howard University alum and hurdling is in his genes as his mom Brenda Chambers was a world class hurdler, and also competed in Bejing in 1980 (thats dope!).
I plan on leaving a comment on his blog so I won't go into what exactly I like, and how i like it lol but I just wanted to bring some attention to this matter. Thank you.
P.S. i'm about to add his picture to my vision board (i'm on my The Secret ish).
Below is a pic of David (far right) and friend and fellow Howard alum Lance Gross (middle). Birds of a feather...pic stolen from David's blog
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 9:12 AM
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 1:00 PM
Wray of light | 3 comments»
I spent some time with someone yesterday who always makes me feel like no matter what i do, i can't keep his attention. its more of a general thing than any particular instances, but that feeling made me want to listen to this song.
then i remembered how much i loved this chick in high school...and how i've been waiting on her return ever since.. thought i had one here...
if i was your girlfriend
but not so much. so im reduced to old and fan made youtube videos. supposedly she's in atlanta working on new music. i can only hope so. there is some stuff i hadn't heard on her myspace page
Stand Up -Produced by Dame Grease
back to the oldies
i'm lookin
"So you can go head wit' all that 'stabbin' me'
Cuz I will jab thee, and slam thee
And Bobby Bouchet yo' ass, G
lmao i love big boi!
All In My Grill
at 11:48 AM
super shallow this week | 5 comments»
what would really make me happy for the moment besides a mani and pedi, some crab legs, a babysitter, a smart and sexy man only checking for me, a winning mega millions ticket, and an all expense paid luxury vacation to the dominican repulic, cabo or vieques, and the mac store
would be:
Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 9:46 PM
life is just too damn hard right now... | 1 comments»
I honestly just want to go back to my old life.I want to eat out as I please.Buy magazines with reckless abandon.Have cd’s sent to me.Party Monday – Thursday.Chill on the weekends.Walk thru soho with no scheduled destination.Have few bills.Keep my nails done and my wig tight.Blow checks on shoes and in daffy’s and the gap and sephora (back then. I could sure think of some better places now).Giggle on the phone.Feel like I have all the time in the world....
is that too much for a girl to ask??
i shouldn't complain...i can still do all these things..it just doesnt feel like it this week. *sigh*
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 at 3:49 PM